Ben and Tao don their tricornes, unsheath their long swords and spare no prisoners as they ravage the virgin lands of Teer Fradee in colonialist RPG epic, Greedfall. Tao takes issue with the representation of race and colonialism, while Ben takes umbrage with just about everything else. Despite the theme, diplomacy goes out the window and harsh truths are aired. Major spoilers from around half way through.
Content Warning: PEGI 16. Very strong language. Vehement criticism. The slaughter of innocents. General tyranny.
Petrus/ Heimlock is voiced by English actor Steven Hartley.
Dragon's Dogma is an ARPG hack n slash developed and published by Capcom in 2012.
In Mass Effect 2, the Krogan are a species of large reptilian bipeds.
Spider’s previous game was The Technomancer (2016)
Audio extracts:
Adele - ‘Skyfall’
Brian Blessed
Masterchef UK
Martin Harley - ‘Money Don’t Matter’
Monty Python’s ‘The Spanish Inquisition’
Fiona Shaw as Carolyn Martens in ‘Killing Eve’.
Dragon Age: Inquisition OST
Dragon’s Dogma
Fable OST
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Civilisation 4 OST - ‘Out at Sea’
The Apprentice UK
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